The Innovation Lab crafted by Kimball has received nearly 250 applications since opening and four companies are established in the Innovation Lab. Additional applications continue to be received daily and preliminary conversations are taking place with potential new companies. Since Kimball was instrumental in the product and material design of the lab, we wanted to know how the entrepreneurs who work in the lab truly feel about the space.

In an interview with Dr. Elizabeth Bales of Doc & Phoebe’s Cat Co., she answers some questions about working in the Sixers Innovation Lab, crafted by Kimball:

How often to you work in the Innovation Lab and what spaces do you utilize?
LB: I go in to the Innovation lab every day to work. My home base is on an Xsede height adjust workstation, which I absolutely love, but I certainly utilize other spaces throughout the lab to interact with the other entrepreneurs. I also regularly use the conference rooms for meetings since they have more options for privacy.

How would you describe the Innovation Lab?
LB: If I could describe the space in one word, it would be exhilarating. The space is comfortable and well-designed. It fills you with creative energy to get your job done. The lab is not housed with typical office furniture but has zones and areas that sets the tone for cutting edge creativity within the lab.

How is it working in a co-working space?
LB: I have to admit that I was a little worried initially about working in a co-working space because I like and sometimes need quiet areas when I do more focused work like writing. I also was worried that my voice may distract others from concentrating. Never was I so wrong! The energy of the lab has an ebb and flow that is seamless. There are areas available for heads-down, focused work but the space also gives those within the lab an opportunity to interact with other members, share ideas or just get together and chat.

If you were to describe the space in the lab, how would you describe it?
LB: In describing the space within the lab, it really is a vast space that is made up of well thought-out, intimate zones. It is easy to find a physical location that suits whatever mood you need for the task at hand. I truly believe that furniture sets the tone of the work environment.

I feel like I am the luckiest person to be working in this beautiful space every day! I get to experience this lavish space which I am so grateful for. There is always a place in the lab to go to get the work done that you need to. The beauty of it is, you don’t have to stay in the same place all day. You can move throughout the space at any time, depending on the mood or need at hand. Not only am I fortunate to work in a beautiful and inspiring space every day, but the team and mentors I am surrounded with each day helps me grow both personally and professionally. I feel like I have the perfect partners in the Sixers, Kimball and the other entrepreneurs that help me grow and thrive.

About Doc & Phoebe’s Cat Co:
An indoor hunting feeder system, Doc & Phoebe’s Cat Co. designed to maximize cats’ natural instincts to hunt and play, while combating the top causes of cat physical and mental illness and death. The no-bowl feeding system features five mice-shaped feeders that mimic the size, shape and tactile disposition of prey. The patented feeder — used, according to the company, by 13,000 cats around the world — “returns cats feeding to a natural process and alleviates the ‘scarf and barf’ phenomenon, returns cats to a healthy weight, and prevents bad behavior caused by restlessness and anxiety.” In July, the leading international feline care organization, iCat Care, awarded the Indoor Hunting Feeder its Cat Friendly award. Doc & Phoebe also introduced a Mini Kit, a version of its Indoor Hunting Feeder designed to introduce cats to hunting, or supplement a wet or raw food diet with treats.