10 Ways to Update Your Workplace

10 Ways to Update Your Workplace

Paint | Sometimes the simple answer is the best answer. Paint alone can drastically update a dated workspace. Looking to add more light? Use white paint to help reflect natural light into the area. Use an accent wall to create an area of interest or highlight a piece...
Ergonomics In the Workplace

Ergonomics In the Workplace

All employers want maximum output from their employees. That’s why a lot of emphasis has been placed on creating an office environment that enhances workflow and productivity. But even the most well-thought-out office space solution can’t fix the issues that arise...
Humanize the Workplace

Humanize the Workplace

For a business to remain competitive and attract top-notch talent, their office design needs to reflect not only the culture of the company, but the individual needs and work demands of the employees they hire. Companies can no longer get away with workspaces that...
Color’s Impact in an Office Environment

Color’s Impact in an Office Environment

Color can have a significant impact on overall productivity, collaboration and even employee happiness in an office setting. A good starting point is to review the company brand colors and expand from there. Many companies are developing sophisticated palettes and...
Introducing Kimball Fixt

Introducing Kimball Fixt

Bringing a timeless style to the workplace where design and unparalleled quality meet, fiXt includes occasional tables, worktables and bookcases available in a range of sizes and heights. Bench or stool seating complete this classic collection with a perfect match of...